
Virginia Nurses Foundation – A Legacy of Caring for Nurses 

For more than a century, the Virginia Nurses Association has been dedicated to nurses and nursing. Building a legacy of giving of our early pioneers, VNA established the Virginia Nurses Foundation (VNF) to continue programs of support and innovation for nurses and nursing in the Commonwealth.

VNF supports the 100,000+ registered nurses across the Commonwealth by providing nursing scholarships, working to advancing the future of nursing through the Virginia Action Coalition, recognizing exceptional nurses, and publishing our popular Workplace Advocacy Guide. Read more.

The Virginia Action Coalition

The Virginia Action Coalition’s (VAC) mission is to implement the goals of the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing report. We build upon nurse-based approaches to improving quality and transforming the way Virginians receive health care. We make Virginia a place where nursing excels. Formed in 2011 in partnership with the Virginia Nurses Foundation and AARP Virginia, VAC includes nurses from all areas of the profession as well as partners representing professional healthcare associations, consumer stakeholders, higher education institutions, and healthcare systems, VAC’s vision is a future where all Virginians have access to affordable, high quality care and live in an optimal state of health. Read more.